TPEE Karisma Fam

This was the best fam I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending and I can’t wait to wholeheartedly recommend these properties. Great pics. Great fam. Teri does it again.
I would like to thank Hotel Arte and Melissa for inviting our group TPEE to come here and experience this resort..I have never been on a more relaxing fam trip in my life. And to have this gorgeous view outside my balcony listening to the birds chirping and the waterfalls. It's so beautiful and so relaxing.. this place is truly amazing.

Thank You Karisma Resorts! We You!


“It feels good to be lost in the right direction”
- Unknown

This was one of the best FAMs I’ve been on. Great group of sweet ladies! Thanks for a good time.
And thank you Teri Hurley for hosting us here. We appreciate your hard work putting these FAMs together.

...It was awesome. Just didn't last long enough because it was so great!

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